Monday, April 26, 2010

Test Your Memory for Alzheimer's (5 Tests)

By Bob DeMarco Alzheimer's Reading Room
The five tests listed below are self assessment tests for Alzheimer's, dementia, and mild cognitive impairment.

If you decide to administer one or more of these tests and the results of the tests seem suspicious you should consult with your personal care physician or a neurologist for a more thorough memory examination and diagnosis.

#1 Test Your Memory for Alzheimer's Dementia in 15 Minutes (SAGE)

This is my number one recommendation for testing memory.

The latest weapon in the war against Alzheimer’s disease is not a fancy new brain scanner or a computer device. Instead, it’s a it a 15 question written exam that could have a dramatic impact on a major problem -- the early detection of Alzheimer's disease.

This handwritten self-assessment test can be taken in less than 15 minutes. SAGE is a reliable tool for evaluating memory and cognitive ability. Findings confirming the validity of the tool were reported in the journal Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders.

Go here to learn more about the Self-Administered Gerocognitive Examination (SAGE) including instructions, the test, and scoring system.

Also see:

#2 Alzheimer's Clock Draw Test

Drawing a clock by hand is one of several useful screening tools that can help to detect mild cognitive impairment, dementia, or Alzheimer's. This test can help you, or your doctor, differentiate between normal aging and possible dementia.

If you administer the test on your own and find the results either disconcerting or suspicious, schedule an appointment with your personal care physician. Take the copy of the clock test with you to the doctor appointment, and show the test to the doctor.

Go here for more on the clock draw test including scoring.

#3Test Your Memory (TYM) for Alzheimer's or Dementia in Five Minutes

This test is designed for people that live in England. Results were published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ).

The TYM is a series of 10 tasks including ability to copy a sentence, semantic knowledge, calculation, verbal fluency and recall ability. The ability to do the test is also scored. Each task carries a score with a maximum score of 50 points available. The test is designed to use minimal operator time and to be suitable for non-specialist use.

Go here for the information and follow the links for the test, scoring and scientific study.

#4 The Mini-Cog Test for Alzheimer's and Dementia

The Mini-Cog is a simple three minute test that is useful in detecting mild cognitive impairment, dementia, or an early stage of Alzheimer's. The research study, included below, showed that the test has a high degree of accuracy (83 percent).

Go here for more information.

#5 Dr Oz Alzheimer's Memory Quiz (Test)

This memory quiz is based of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VAMC) St. Louis University Mental Status (SLUMS) examination and is an assessment tool for informational and entertainment purposes only.

Go here to take the test.

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