Saturday, November 14, 2009

Simple Tests to Detect Alzheimer's and Dementia the Old Fashioned Way

In my little world here in Delray Beach, Florida I have learned a harsh lesson -- it is very difficult to diagnose mild cognitive impairment, dementia, and probable Alzheimer's. Here are some simple tests for Alzheimer's and dementia that could be helpful......
Bob DeMarco
Alzheimer's Reading Room

I knew something was wrong with my mother. I knew it. When I would mention some of my concerns to family and friends they would usually conclude -- she is getting old. When it first started to really bother me my mother was 86 years old.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Watch the Memory Loss Tapes Now on the Intenet (HBO Streaming Video)

You can watch the Memory Loss Tapes on the Internet Right now.

For all the information and links go to

Alzheimer's Reading Room: Watch the Memory Loss Tapes Now on the Internet (HBO Streaming Video)