Sunday, October 31, 2010

Presidential Proclamation -- National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month

The human cost of Alzheimer's disease is staggering
-- Barack Obama

Alzheimer's Reading Room

The human cost of Alzheimer's disease is staggering. We can -- and must -- come together to address this growing health challenge. Caring for a person with Alzheimer's disease is a full-time, non-stop job, and this month, we also honor the compassionate caregivers and medical professionals who provide endless comfort and attention to those facing Alzheimer's disease. Until we find more effective treatments and a cure, we must continue to support both Alzheimer's disease research and the caregivers and victims of this devastating disease.

Read the entire proclamation at the Alzheimer's Reading Room

Alzheimer's Disease Caregiver, Are You a Hamster?

One of the most difficult tasks an Alzheimer's caregiver faces is the development of a new set of communications skills. Sooner or later the caregiver needs to come to an understanding that the way they have communicated in the past, before Alzheimer's, won't work in a world filled with Alzheimer's disease.
Here is the good news. You are the ONE that gets to decide. Stay on, or get off the wheel. The hamster has no choice. You do.

Original content Bob DeMarco, read this article at the Alzheimer's Reading Room